Monday 20 April 2009

My views on coyote creation story

Through our research into Native American culture we have looked at several key figures in the native culture. The figure that we have come across most is the coyote. This figure is meant to represent trickery and distrust. He is a character designed to bring fun and mischief to the different native tribes.

In examining our own culture to see if we could identify a character like coyote I struggled. I believe I found this hard because I was taking the Native American view of coyote to literally. I found a comparison in Christianity. The devil is our coyote. The Native Americans view there coyote as a master of trickery and some one who causes mischief. We look at the devil as the character in our culture that does the same thing accept Weston culture seems to take the ideas of mischief and trickery and view them as evils. When trying to find another character in Weston religion who matches up with coyote we could look at the Norse gods and the character of loci who is the son of Oiden. This character is more like the Native American idea of coyote because loci are the god of trickery.

The tribes differ greatly in language, ritual and general behaviour. A similar factor in all of the tribes though is coyote; all of the tribes also seem to share this similar view of coyote. My chosen tribe is the crow. The crow has an alternative view of coyote, there view is than coyote is not only a trickster but is also there god of creation. View my bog to see the coyote creation story.

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