Monday 20 April 2009

Ghost Warriers

Shadows dance on canyon walls, They are shadows from my fire.
And from these walls Ghost Warriors call "Your history is a liar."
"Our sacred lands were stolen and this we can't forget."
"The spirits of our warriors who gave their lives for it."

But the wind whispers to me that the shadows I see are visions of when the west was young.
And the Indian danced around his council fire where prayers to the Great Spirit were sung.
They asked the Great Spirit to guide them in this their troubled time.
For the white man walked upon their land and said "This land is mine."

It was the search for yellow iron that became the red man's curse.
For the white man swarmed upon their land each fighting to be first.
And no amount of prayers could stop the coming flood.
Soon the yellow iron was bathed in Indian blood.

The Great Spirit couldn't help them they had to fight alone.
For the mountains and the desert that had always been their home.
The Indian was defeated and just seemed to fade away.
And his sacred lands were ravished it seemed in but a day.

The mountains were blasted open; the gold ripped from beneath the earth.
The wounded land lies silent now and has but little worth.
The Indian is gone forever from this land that once was his.
And no one seems to want it now not the way it is.

So now that you know their story, will you listen to the whispering wind?
The ghosts of ancient warriors are singing their songs again.
They're singing to the Great Spirit their sad and mournful prayers.
Asking Him to make whole again this land that once was theirs

Tears of a Nation

I met a man of many colors
And a tear was upon his cheek.
"Old man" I ask, "why do you cry
With such an agonizing weep?"

"Oh child" this man he says to me,
"My heart is broken in so many ways
That I believe this day to end
Will find me out stretched and far within
The encompassing earth of sin."

I sat down beside this man
And asked him "do not cry.
For what you think is so bad
That life will pass you by?"

He looks at me with such sad eyes.
And weeps ever more.
He holds his hands out to me
And alas, I do see
The anguish of his heart.

For his hands were different colors
One is red and the other white,
A leg he unclothed for me
Was as yellow as could be
And his other leg as black as night.

"I am the father of the world.
In case you do not know.
And my children have grown apart
And fight among themselves.

For when they do not get along
My arms and legs and hands and feet
Destroys the very life of me.

My hands of red and white
Will not feed this face of night.
And my legs of black and yellow,
Will not stand beneath this body
And support my heart and soul.

For they argue far too much,
And now I have grown old.

So here I sit in this haven
Of unwelcomeness.
And when this day ends,
A father I will not be.
For my children of many nations
Have forgotten how to accompany me.

My views on coyote creation story

Through our research into Native American culture we have looked at several key figures in the native culture. The figure that we have come across most is the coyote. This figure is meant to represent trickery and distrust. He is a character designed to bring fun and mischief to the different native tribes.

In examining our own culture to see if we could identify a character like coyote I struggled. I believe I found this hard because I was taking the Native American view of coyote to literally. I found a comparison in Christianity. The devil is our coyote. The Native Americans view there coyote as a master of trickery and some one who causes mischief. We look at the devil as the character in our culture that does the same thing accept Weston culture seems to take the ideas of mischief and trickery and view them as evils. When trying to find another character in Weston religion who matches up with coyote we could look at the Norse gods and the character of loci who is the son of Oiden. This character is more like the Native American idea of coyote because loci are the god of trickery.

The tribes differ greatly in language, ritual and general behaviour. A similar factor in all of the tribes though is coyote; all of the tribes also seem to share this similar view of coyote. My chosen tribe is the crow. The crow has an alternative view of coyote, there view is than coyote is not only a trickster but is also there god of creation. View my bog to see the coyote creation story.

Crow tales of Coyote

In the beginning, Old Man Coyote stood alone with water surrounding him. Two ducks swam by, and Coyote asked if they had seen anyone else. The ducks said no but thought that something might exist under the water.
Coyote asked if they would travel underwater for him and report on what they saw. The ducks did as they were asked, finding nothing. He asked again, and the ducks returned with a root. On the third try, they found mud and Coyote was happy. He told the ducks that they could build with it, and he began to shape and mold the mud into an island. He blew on it, and it expanded. He blew again, and it grew into the earth. The ducks said they did not like the earth's emptiness, so Coyote created grass and trees out of the roots that came from the water.
Coyote and the ducks loved the earth, but it was flat. They wanted rivers, valleys, mountains, and lakes. So it was done. Soon Coyote and the ducks made a perfect earth, but they grew lonely, with only the three of them to sit and enjoy the land. So Coyote molded dirt to form men and then more mud to create many types of male ducks. Soon, they realized that without women, the males could not have children. So with more dirt he made women and female ducks to populate the earth.
One day Old Man Coyote traveled upon the land and was surprised to find another Coyote. When asked where he came from, the younger brother, named Shirape, said he was unsure of his origin and only knew he existed. As the two traveled along, Shirape wanted Old Man Coyote to make other animals, for only ducks, humans, and the two Coyotes had been created. The elder Coyote agreed, and as he spoke the new animals' names, they were created. He said "Elk" and an elk appeared. He said "Bear" and a bear appeared. This is how it was until all animals were created.
Aside from the Crow story, Coyote is generally portrayed as a sly, keen trickster who uses his bizarre and comic behavior to teach lessons and inject humor into tribal life. Otherwise called a Heyoka, or clown, Coyote is blamed in many stories for what is unexplainable. It is said that Coyote caused the various colors of the world's people and that he once got his head stuck in a buffalo skull while trying to enjoy a dance performed by flies. He represents challenges, lessons, healing through irrelevance, and accepting contrary situations.
When Coyote is part of a creation story, or any other tale, it is certain that a moral or surprise will be present. One such tale comes from the Nez Percé, who lived in Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. They trace their ancestry back to the tricky Coyote.

Native american creation stories

Long ago, before there were any people, the world was young and water covered everything. The earth was a great island floating above the seas, suspended by four rawhide ropes representing the four sacred directions. It hung down from the crystal sky. There were no people, but the animals lived in a home above the rainbow. Needing space, they sent Water Beetle to search for room under the seas. Water Beetle dove deep and brought up mud that spread quickly, turning into land that was flat and too soft and wet for the animals to live on.
Grandfather Buzzard was sent to see if the land had hardened. When he flew over the earth, he found the mud had become solid; he flapped in for a closer look. The wind from his wings created valleys and mountains, and that is why the Cherokee territory has so many mountains today.
As the earth stiffened, the animals came down from the rainbow. It was still dark. They needed light, so they pulled the sun out from behind the rainbow, but it was too bright and hot. A solution was urgently needed. The shamans were told to place the sun higher in the sky. A path was made for it to travel--from east to west--so that all inhabitants could share in the light.
The plants were placed upon the earth. The Creator told the plants and animals to stay awake for seven days and seven nights. Only a few animals managed to do so, including the owls and mountain lions, and they were rewarded with the power to see in the dark. Among the plants, only the cedars, spruces, and pines remained awake. The Creator told these plants that they would keep their hair during the winter, while the other plants would lose theirs.
People were created last. The women were able to have babies every seven days. They reproduced so quickly that the Creator feared the world would soon become too crowded. So after that the women could have only one child per year, and it has been that way ever since.

Sunday 19 April 2009

History of the Apsáalooke

We know where we came from, we know where we’ve been, and we know whom we are. We came through three transitions to become who we are. We were (Awaakiiwilaxpaake) People of the Earth, we were all one mankind, we became (Biiluke) on Our Side, we became (Awashe) Earthen Lodges, and we became Apsáalooke some 2000 years ago.
While we were (Awaakiiwilaxpaake) People of the Earth, when the birds and animals could talk, some of us wanted to fight each other. They wanted warfare. They approached our Creator and asked if they could fight each other. Our Creator said, “First you must prove to me that you are men enough to fight.” He placed a man, with a bow and arrow at the bottom of a sheer cliff in the water and told the men to dive off the cliff, but soon changed their minds once they saw the man with his bow and arrow cocked and ready to shoot anyone who dove off the cliff.
Finally one man walked up to the cliff and dove off into the water. He lay dead in the water with an arrow protruding from his collarbone and blood streaming from his nostrils. Our Creator said, “Iilak bacheek, there is a man (kooshtakaatbaawiik). I won’t make too many of him, (baapiihaaksee) from this day forward, (haaweewiakssaalah) try to wipe him out.” From that time we have been called Biiluke. Even unto this day we still refer ourselves as Biiluke.

While we were Biiluke. We lived in a wooded area with vast bodies of water (Balebilichke isaatkaasuuk). We were fishermen, we hunted small game and waterfowl, we dug up roots and bulbs, we gathered nuts and berries, and we trapped the fur-bearing animals for our clothing. We lived in makeshift shelters, lean-tos and wickiups. We migrated westward to the banks of the Big River, in search of a certain Sacred Tobacco Plant, which was to be found in a mountainous region. We became Awashe, Earthen Lodges.
We retained all of our survival skills, but we became farmers. Oral history says, “We didn’t stay there too long and we moved on, but for some reason we spoke the same language, which is still used today, after some two thousand years.” No Vitals with many of his family and friends of the Real Water Band, of the Awashe, broke from the band, in search of the Sacred Tobacco Plant. This was the exodus that commenced the Great Migration.
We migrated throughout the northern and southern plains, where we came upon lakes with salt on their banks. We ventured into Canada twice but the Sacred Tobacco Plant could not be found. No Vitals has passed away during the migration on the Great Plains. It was his son who carried on this quest and fasted on Cloud’s Peak and saw The Sacred Tobacco Plant glowing on the east slopes of the Big Horn Mountains, where “Raven Owner Was Badgered.” The Sacred Tobacco Society was initiated about this time, and that was the beginning of the Apsáalooke Nation. We picked up and adopted various aspects of our Apsáalooke way of life, as we progressed from one era to another.

Native American monolouge

I had just been hunting with my older brother. He had given me a small bow and some arrows and had begun to teach me how to hunt, only small things like grouse and rabbits. A few days earlier he had shot down a buffalo with his long bow and boiled the meat to show me how. We were going to the traders to swap some of our meat for other supplies. When I went into the store it seemed very strange to me. I couldn’t understand why people would want to live in this stuffy little building with such a low roof. The smoke in the room hurt my eyes and stung my throat. While at the store we ran into some crow members of the black lodge tribe. My brother began talking to them and we decided to visit there camp. There camp was three days journey from the store and we made the trip with them. While making the trip we hunted for game. Two days into the trip my brother killed a dear and we made a fire and roasted the meat. The next day we were joined by two more crow and made our way to the camp.

When we were at the camp some men decided to go hunting. I was young but I wanted to see the hunt so I followed them without them knowing. They were running over the hills and climbing the cliffs. I found it hard to follow and eventually I saw them disappear over a cliff face.

You ran back over the cliff shouting something that I couldn’t quite make out. You came right over to me. All of the other hunters gathered around me as if the appeared from know were. You said that there was a bear ahead of us on the path and that we shouldn’t go any further until it had been dealt with. The other hunters ran back to the camp to gather more support. You rushed forward to deal with the bear. I just watched frozen in my place as you unsheathed your long bow. You began firing arrows at the bear. It rose up on its back legs and let out a yell like a man would. It turned and ran into the nearest bushes.

Unfazed by the bear you ran in after it without any fear. Just as you ran into the bush the other men from the tribe ran up behind me armed with rifles and yelling at you to come out of the bushes. All you could hear was the bear’s roars and your voice shouting out for help, you went silent and the bears roar turned into a low snarl. Pretty Hawk prepared his rifle in preparation for what was going to happen. There was silence as the group of crow men around me silently prepared themselves, all of a sudden the bear rushed out of the bush. The crow warriors let there arrows fly and fired there rifles the bear fell to the floor and drew its last breath. We pushed our way through the bushes to the clearing were you were. Your jaw had been crushed and your eye was hanging down your face, your ribs were exposed and you were clawing at the air grabbing out for anything you could. I watched as the men tried to help you.

Your breathing was shallow and your movements were slowly stopping. I stared at you and you looked back at me. You drew your last breath and then you were dead. We took your body and brought you back to the tribe. That was my last memory of you my brother.

Crow creation story

Old Man at the Beginning

A story of the Crow People of Montana and Wyoming

At the beginning of the world, there was nothing but water. It was dark in the world, and no one saw the water of the world. Then the Old Man of the Crow People came into the world, and he looked all around and said, "Is there nothing in this world but water?"

Off in the distance, Old Man saw that there were two little ducks swimming about. These ducks had red eyes. Old Man called them to him. They came swimming, paddling in the world of water.

Old Man said to them, "Is there nothing in this world but water?"

The elder duck answered, "We have never seen anything in this world but water, but we think that there may be something down under the water. We feel it in our hearts."

"Dive down, Younger Duck," said Old Man, and the younger of the little ducks dove deep under the water, looking for the bottom. He was gone a long time, and Old Man said, "Oh, I am afraid Younger Duck has drowned."

"No," said the Elder Duck, "we are able to hold our breath for a long time. He will come back up." At about that time, Younger Duck came up with something in his bill. It was a root.

"If there is a root," said Old Man, "then there must be earth as well. Dive down Elder Duck, and see if you find some earth."

The elder duck dove deep, and was gone for a very long time. When he came up, he had a ball of mud in his bill.

"This is what I have been looking for," said Old Man. He took the root and put it in the ball of wet earth, and blew three times on it. Once he blew, twice he blew, and again he blew on the ball of earth. The ball began to grow and fill the world and push the water aside. It grew until there was a great land, with many plants and animals living on it.

The ducks, who live in water, on land, and in the sky, brought up the earth, and Old Man made the world for the Crow People.

My Item

The item that I have chosen to discuss is my skull bracelet. This item holds a lot of personal memories for me. I was given this bracelet by my girlfriend at the time. She gave me the bracelet when we were relaxing in her room. I was just lying on the bed watching something on the television. All of a sudden I felt someone gently grab my hand. I looked over and saw Sarah lying on her back. She was pushing the bracelet onto my hand and up my arm. I wasn’t sure what she was doing or why she was doing this so I just let it happen. I asked her why she had done this and she explained to me that her older sister had been on holiday to Bermuda. While she was on holiday she had bough two of these bracelets. The bracelets were meant to protect who ever wore them. I had seen my girlfriend wearing these before and I had just assumed that they were just normal bracelets. She said that she wanted me to have one because it meant that I would always be protected and that she would always feel close to me. I wore this bracelet for almost three years and it began to feel like it was a part of me. Whenever I would take the bracelet off my wrist would feel naked, when I didn’t have the bracelet on it felt odd and I when I did have the bracelet on it felt normal.

When I look at my bracelet I remember you. You were there when we both lay on the beach. You were there on the balcony with me. When I look at my bracelet I remember you. I remember being on the plane with you, looking over and seeing you reading, looking so peaceful. Feeling so lucky. We arrived together in a strange place. You kept me safe and made sure I was okay. It seems so long ago. But when I look at my bracelet I see you and can almost speak to you. It takes me back to us on the balcony. Me looking over at you, you look so sweet, you look so nice. Your perfect in everyway.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

My first experience with the native american headdress

When I was first shown the headdress I felt a varied array of emotions. The first thing that I noticed when looking at the headdress was the impression that it made. What I mean by this is when I looked at it I felt humbled, I imagine that’s what you feel when you see the crown jewels. The grandness of the headdress is one of the first things that it shows you. The second thing that I noticed was the craftsman ship of the headdress. When you look at it closely you see all of the feathers and the intricate stitching and how it has all been painstakingly brought together.
When I looked at it, it seemed to me to very natural, what I mean by this is that you wouldn’t normally associate an Item of clothing with being natural. I think though that because the headdress has been made from bird feathers and has been made using material that has all been sourced from the plains, that the item becomes a amalgamation of all these different parts but still comes together in such a natural way that you almost don’t question if it has been made or weather it was just grown.
What else I found interesting about the headdress was found. The fact that this native American headdress had been found in a museum in Bristol. I though that this was quite sad. Something that would have been made in such a way with so much dedication and love, has wound up in a different country, in a place that couldn’t possibly be father away from its original home. Not just that though the fact that it wasn’t even being exhibited for people to see. It was locked away in a museum that wasn’t even aware of its existence. I think that one of the main things that I took away from seeing the headdress was the fact that I felt it was in such an alien place. All I could think of when I saw the headdress was how I thought that it should be returned to its own country and how it was a little disappointing to see something that should be in its own country and restored to its full glory being underappreciated in a museum in Bristol.

Explore Coyote

I slowly walk up the church steps, I look around and see the world pass me buy. Something that matters so much to me and not at all to anyone else. The white petals are falling from the tree and being blown across the ground. I’m not sure what I can smell but I know it’s sweet because I can taste it on the back of my tongue. I can feel my heart begin to beat faster as the anxiousness rises up inside me. I catch a glimpse of you walking up the steps and my heart skips a beat. I’m so glad to see you but I wish you had never come. I explain to you how I feel and you cry. I watch as tear after tear falls from your face and hits the petals on the ground creating something that reminds me of blood. I sit there helpless as you beg me to take it back, knowing that I can’t. You get up and you leave and I watch you, wanting so much to run after you and grab you and tell you how much I . . . I wipe the tears from my face tasting salt as I do, I don’t feel anything I’m numb and your gone.

My first experience with the other

When I was young my parents made it clear to me that everyone was the same. I took this as the truth. I never judged anyone on their colour or creed because when I was young I didn’t even see the difference. Physically I was aware that people were different but I had no idea of the vast number of different views and cultures that there were in the world. My primary school was a mix of people. Indian, African, Asian and white. Everyone was friends at this point and we thought this was the norm. I made friends with a boy called Akmed. We spent a lot of time together and began hanging out on the weekends. The first time I went to his house I was amazed. I had never seen a house like his and found it fascinating. His mother wore a sari and was a practising Muslim. I noticed small things like the letters on their keyboard were Arabic and that his parents spoke in Arabic most of the time. I sat down to eat with them and at first I was terrified because I had never seen food like the kind they made and it was a new experience for me. I suppose what I’m trying to explain is what my first experience of the other is. It was that day when for the first time I was exposed to a new strange and interesting culture for the first time.

My first experience with the native american other

My first experience of Native American culture came at a very early age. I was about four when I was given a make your own dream catcher kit by my granddad. At the time I was given the kit I had no idea of what it was for. Soon after I got the kit, me and my dad put it together, as we were doing this I asked my dad what was a dream catcher and what do they do. My dad then explained to me that dream catchers are used by the Native Americans and they are hung above their beds. This is done because the Native Americans believe that if you have a dream catcher above your bed it stops the bad dreams from getting into your mind and only lets the good ones in. As a child I thought that this was amazing. It sounded so mystical to me and it was something so removed from anything that I had known before. Also as I was growing up, my parents always had a lot of different artefacts around the house I came to realise that these were different native American objects, we had wooden carvings of animals on the walls of our living room and conservatory, we also had drums made from animal skin which I would often bang on when I was bored as children do. So I suppose technically my first experience of the native American other was when I was a child, but growing up I was surrounded by all different aspects of native American culture which I wouldn’t consider other I would consider it familiar almost comforting.
My first experience with the Native American other

My first experience of Native American culture came at a very early age. I was about four when I was given a make your own dream catcher kit by my granddad. At the time I was given the kit I had no idea of what it was for. Soon after I got the kit, me and my dad put it together, as we were doing this I asked my dad what was a dream catcher and what do they do. My dad then explained to me that dream catchers are used by the Native Americans and they are hung above their beds. This is done because the Native Americans believe that if you have a dream catcher above your bed it stops the bad dreams from getting into your mind and only lets the good ones in. As a child I thought that this was amazing. It sounded so mystical to me and it was something so removed from anything that I had known before. Also as I was growing up, my parents always had a lot of different artefacts around the house I came to realise that these were different native American objects, we had wooden carvings of animals on the walls of our living room and conservatory, we also had drums made from animal skin which I would often bang on when I was bored as children do. So I suppose technically my first experience of the native American other was when I was a child, but growing up I was surrounded by all different aspects of native American culture which I wouldn’t consider other I would consider it familiar almost comforting.